Cedar Tree Point Association
- Founded 1924 -
Cedar Tree Point Association
68 Melbourn
Warwick, RI 02886
About Cedar Tree Point Association
The Cedar Tree Point Association is a non-profit organization, founded by the
residents of Cedar Tree Point in 1924 to promote a sense of community and
address issues and concerns of the Cedar Tree Point residents. Cedar Tree Point
Association represents approximately 90 households and families living within
its neighborhood boundries.
The Association represents families and individuals who identify the beach
and Cedar Tree Point as their special home by the sea and a safe and happy place
to recreate, raise their families and create lasting memories with their
For insight on on these memories and our neighbors past and present, check
out the new and exciting Facebook Site Cedar Tree Point Memories of a Great Neighborhood This Facebook site is
not managed or hosted by Cedar Tree Point Association but is frequented and used by a number of our residents.
Annual Activities of the Association
For many years the association has hosted annual events, including the following:
Prior Years' Events:
- Summer Reunion Cookout and Celebration - The summer beach blast held July 10, 2010,
organized hosted by friends and family outside the Association was a wonderful sucess and enjoyed
participation by a number of generations of Cedar Tree Point's neighbors past and present. Check
out Facebook Site Cedar Tree Point Memories of a Great Neighborhood for photos.
- 2010 Spring Beach Clean-Up Weekend - held on May 22 and May 23, 2010 was well attended.
Thank you to all the participants who took time to clean the beach.
- Earth Day - Annual Maintence of the Cemetary- Thanks to our
neighbors who pitch in year round to maintain the historic cemetary on Tiernan
- Spring Beach Clean-up and Hot Dog Roast- June 23 and 24,
2007 our annual beach cleanup was held 8:00AM to 12:00pm on June 23 and June
24; followed both days by a hot dog roast at 110 Melbourn.
- Cookout and Campfire - Saturday, July 15, 2006 is one of CTPA's favorite events!
New England Lobster Clam Bake - Held Saturday September 9, 2006 was a
GREAT time. All the fixing's, including lobsters, clams, corn-on-the cob, potatoes, fish, etc. were followed by a
campfire, music and S'Mores on the beach.
Any Time Events!
- Several times during the spring, summer and fall months, there are
Campfires on "The Point" where all are welcome to enjoy a campfire along with
"Smores" & Soda, Music and fun for all. Watch for motices or "spur of the
moment" smoke and fire on the point, grab your lawn chairs and join your
friends for a fun evening around a warm campfile for fun music, toasting
marshmallow's and making sticky S'mores!
- 2006 Social Events Calendar
- 2005 Social Events Calendar
- 2004 Social Events Calendar
Membership Information
Membership is open to residents within the Cedar Tree Point area. Annual fees
for membership remain at an affordable $20.00. Cedar Tree Point Board does this
to insure that every family can afford to belong! For more information about
joining please contact Debi
D'Iorio or call her at 401-338-8600. Dues can be mailed payable to Cedar
Tree Point Association, to Debi's address at 68 Melbourn, Warwick, RI 02886.
Meeting Notices, Agendas and Minutes
Officers of the Association
- Ken Cerpovicz - President 401-339-7632
Carol Fritz - Vice President, 265 Grand View Drive, Warwick, RI 02886 401-339-4066
- Recording Secretary - Vacant - Any interested members should please contact a Board member or attend the next meeting for consideration.
Its not to late to help make a difference.
- Debi D'Iorio - Treasurer - 68 Melbourn, Warwick, RI 02886 401-338-8600
Lincoln Ross - Member at Large, 259 Grand View Drive, Warwick, RI 02886 401-732-1182
- Anne Moniz - Member at Large 401-580-2934
- Donna Libutti - Member at Large 401-739-2519
Interested in learning more about the Association, click here to see our By-Laws
Other Ongoing Projects, Contacts and Links of Local Interest
- New Signage is up! Thank you to those who took time to refresh our image!
- Shoreline Rights of Way
- As defined by Rhode Island's Sea Grant, a public right of way to the shore is a piece of land over which the public has the right to pass on foot, or if appropriate, by vehicle, in order to access the tidal waters of Rhode Island. These passages are critial to providing legal access to RI's and Cedar Tree Point's shoreline. Recognizing Cedar Tree Point's residents have already lost these valuable rights of way in the recent past and that several of our other local passages are in danger of being lost if not protected, a committe was formed to help identify and document existing rights of way within Cedar Tree Point and surrounding areas. Please
Carol Fritz at 401-339-4066 or Andrea Souza at 401-738-6343 for more information or to express your concerns about preserving and protecting shoreline access in Cedar Tree Point. Your participation is necessary to move forward on this important topic.
- Visit Public Rights-of-Way:CRMC's Designation Process for more information on the designation process for Rights of Way in RI.
- BART is DEM's Bay Assessment and Response Team Hotline 401-222-8888
BART is part of the RI DEM where citizens can call to report immediate concerns about the Bay's health. It's aim is to provide rapid, effective response
to environmental incidents in Narragansett Bay. Call 401-222-8888 to report any real time environmental issues and events you have concerns about.
- Project Clean Sweep- In 2008 The State of Rhode Island received a $150,000 grant from NOAA to fund Project Clean Sweep. Funding for this project was used to remove large marine debris items within the initial project target areas (i.e., Greenwich Bay,
Metro Bay, Bay Islands, and westside of Aquidneck Island). This exiciting project had approval to November 2008 and the permit could be extended if there
is continued need. To report that may not already be listed, please contact the folks at Clean The Bay at 401-741-8749 or 401-413-3236. They can use
your assistance in identifing marine debris that need to be removed.
Carol Fritz and
Lincoln Ross - Cedar Tree Point are Cedar Tree Point's Representatives for the Greenwich Bay Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) Citizens
Advisory Committee and Implementation Teams
A Digital Version of the Greenwich Bay: An Ecological History Booklet from Rhode
Island Sea Grant Communications Office - URI and the Greenwich Bay SAMP
Map of the CRMC water type reclassification of Apponaug Cove located in Warwick, RI
Greenwich Bay Website Hosted by URI Graduate School of
Jack Early
- Local Representative for the Defenders of Greenwich Bay
Greenwich Bay Fishkill, 2003 Causes and Impacts Report from the RI
Department of Environmental Management
Tide Charts From Maine Harbors
Local Weather Conditions compliments of Edgewater Yacht
Beach Closure and Advisory Information from the RI
Department of Health
Our neighboring, state designated Watershed Council, Buckeye Brook
Coalition located in Warwick, RI
EPA Nationwide Bacteria Standards Protect Swimmers at
Interested in Voicing objection to the proposed Airport Expansion?
State of Rhode
Island Parole Board and Sex Offender Community Notification Unit Web Page
- Use information on this site to learn if Level Three Sex Offenders might
be in your neigborhood and more about what you can expect from the State for
notification about persons out on parole for previous sex
Cedar Tree Point Views From Other Angles
Click on the image to see larger views of the images.
Arial photo of the point taken by the Providence
Journal |
Arial photo of the point taken from Greenwich
Bay |
Point at high tide taken from inside Apponaug
Cove |
A view from the beach,
across the Point into Apponaug Cove |
If you have an image of Cedar Tree Point you'd like to see here,
please send it as an attachment to
Carol Fritz and we will try to
add it in.